Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Abia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow-2


Today, Abia Governor may not be under the control and servitude of any person or a particular family. He has finally broke away from the shackles of the undemocratic forces that held the entire state captive and rescinded democratic dividend in the State. This means that the governor could take his own decisions and act in ways he feels would help him serve the State well. This is the prayer of Abia people. Let me put it in the Governor's words, “The recent event was the true manifestation of the way God wants to restore back all the years eaten by the locust and propel the development of the State to the desired promise land.”

Abia could be said to be free, but Abians are still in chains. When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. The political gladiators in the State who fought for power, have really sheathed their swords, but the grasses are still down. It would be incorrect to say that businesses have recuperated in the State. All the organizations that left Abia due to the unfriendly environment have not returned. The youths are still roaming about the streets without jobs. Look at the Ariaria market, the title of international attached to it has become more of a nuisance, almost a curse than a thing of pride to the State.

Abia problem is not only on the political party that rules the state, but ability of those in government to understand the problem and proffer solutions. Abia problem today is to let those in government know that we have poor road network, that traders and organizations are being exploited, that we need rural electrification projects, that workers should be paid on time, that federal government projects should be attracted to the State, that the refuse on the streets of Aba should be properly managed. Aba as at today is a disaster area that needs to be tackled with a view to save lives and properties of those living in the town. The problem of Abia State is hydra-headed and needs adequate attention of the government to save the people.


To make Abia enjoy the full benefits of democracy and free society, we must enthrone proper representative democracy. The masses must be truly represented in all the levels of government. In the Local Government, State Government and Federal Government, only those with the peoples' mandate should be allowed to represent them. We should stop the government of selected people by a god father. In each ward, let the Councillor be a person that is very popular and has the mandate of the people. In the State constituency, let the House of Assembly member from the constituency be the one with real mandate of the people. The same applies to the National Assembly. Popular candidates should be allowed to represent the people because they know the problems of the people they are representing.

Also let there be separation of powers in government. Let the legislative arm know their responsibilities and be up to expectations as well as the executive. Our problem is that we still believe that all the powers are infused on the Executive arm. This is because the legislative arm of Abia government is ineffective. Nobody knows about any law they have made to solve the problems of the State. They are suppose to make laws that the executive implement. Therefore, instead of crucifying the Governor alone for the poor condition of lives in Abia State, the legislative arm should be held responsible. As a Journalist in Abia State, I sent one of my reporters to interview a member of the House of Assembly on a matter about his constituency, we published the story and highlighted his opinion. But to my chagrin, this Honourable person called back to lament that the governor may not be happy with the report. Then I asked him a simple question, “ are you representing the governor or your constituency” This is a question members of the House should be asking themselves.

The government should embark of aggressive campaign to change the norms and value of Abia people. The government should let the people know that money is not all about life. There is no short cut for making money. People should work and earn money after the work. Kidnapping for ransom is not a good way of making money, rather it causes reproach on the people. Government should lead people back to workshops to start producing Aba made goods.

Of course we know that there are factors that would help the people to prosper in their trades. I am not talking about religious factors, rather, the socio-economic factors that the government can afford. Think of good roads, electricity power supply, financial assistance, security and other factors, that could make people to invest their money in ventures and create employment for the youths.


I have a dream, my dream is that Abia will rise up to become a great State. That the freedom that God has given to the State through Ochendo will be sustained. That God will bless the state with good leaders in the 2011 election. I have dream that Abia State will have good road networks, that kidnapping will be eradicated in the state and youths will be gainfully employed. Let us all come together to make Abia a great State.
Thank you.

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