Sunday, October 2, 2016

Preparing for Graduation, the administrative requirements

Many students believe that taking the last paper at the final level in the tertiary instityution is all that is required for graduation. Some students would complete all the necessary requirements for graduations by completing the course work, taking the prescribed examinations and presenting the research work but finally may not get the notification of result, why? Yes it is so because the students fail to fulfill the necessary requirements for the graduation.

After the academic requirements for graduation, there are some administrative requirements for collection of results and certificates. This is contained in the clearance process of the graduate from the institution.

Once the statutory body of the institution approves the result, it becomes authentic and would be given to the graduate on his or her demand. The processes of the demanding the result is getting the clearance form from the registry which would be endorsed by the department, Library, Student Affairs and the Bursary. After the clearance from the various units, the graduating student would need to revisit the admission process into the institution.

The student had signed the matriculation oath that he or she would be responsible for any penalty from presentation of false credential used in the admission into the institution. As a result of this oath, the graduating student would be required to present the original copies of the credentials and proof of admission into the institution.

Failure of the graduating student to present authentic proof of the credentials and letters of dmission from the necessary body would affect the release of the result or may result to the seizure of the result even though the student had worked for it.

Every student is expected to visit the academic office and ensure that his or her files were complete before the year of graduation. This will enable the student have a hitch free graduation after the academic works.

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