Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oracle seeks partnership with FG on cloud infrastructure deployment

ORACLE Corporation, the second world largest software maker has said it is ready to partner with the Federal Government of Nigeria on the deployment of cloud computing infrastructures to help the government bring its services to the people through the internet.
Speaking in Lagos recently during a visit to Nigeria, Mr. Steve Wainwright, Vice President of Technology, Oracle Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA) said the company is aware of government’s plan to make governance accessible to the citizens and reduce the cost of government operations by embracing information technology.
Wainwright said the desire of the Minister of Communications Technology Mrs. Omobola Johnson to ensure that Nigeria becomes a digital economy in the near future is something that needs to be supported by well-meaning organisations. He said cloud computing is a great opportunity for government to make major savings in IT operating costs and also improve business agility, enter new markets, create new products and services for citizens.
“We all know that the government in Nigeria as in many countries at the moment is facing increasing pressures on budgets. And yet same time as citizens we want to do more online, we want to access government services online. Oracle like many analysts and many of our customers believe that cloud computing is offering a paradigm shift in computing,” he said.
“We believe that adopting cloud computing will enable governments to reduced their operating costs, their IT operating costs and at the same time offer new services to citizens online which will further reduce costs and improve the satisfaction of the citizen because he will be able to access the services when he wants and from where he wants.  And that we’ve been working with governments all over the world to deliver these services and I think there is an opportunity for the Nigerian government to do this as well,” he added.
Cloud computing can enable governments to provide these services and consolidate triplicate services to be run by many departments of government into a single cloud computing platform which is the advantages of that environment is consolidated to a single architecture, a single computing infrastructure which is typically cheaper to run and easier to control and secure.
During his keynote presentation recently, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison announced the Oracle Public Cloud, a broad set of best-in-class, integrated services that provide customers with subscription-based, self-service access to Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database, all completely managed, hosted and supported by Oracle.
The Oracle Public Cloud is the only public cloud that offers customers a complete range of business applications and technology solutions, avoiding the problems of data and business process fragmentation when customers use multiple siloed public clouds.  It provides many common services, including resource management and isolation, security, data exchange and integration, virus scanning, white list management, and centralized self-service monitoring.

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