Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reps okay institute for degree programme

THE House of Representatives yesterday endorsed a Bill for an Act to establish the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu to provide for courses leading to award of degrees, diplomas and certificates in Dental Technology and Dental Therapy.

Sponsored by Toby Okechukwu representing Aninri/Agwu/Oji-Uzo Federal Constituency in Enugu, the Bill is expected to strengthen the over 50 years old school said to be the only one in Africa.

At the debate of the Bill’s general principles, lawmakers lamented that since the school was established by the colonial administrators, it never had a legal framework to make it compete in the international fora.

Section 15(2) of the Ordinance specifically provides that “Council may by resolutions approve hospitals and other similar institutions for medical auxiliaries and any person training in any such training school shall be entitled to have his name entered in the register of medical auxiliaries in training.”

The Federal College of Dental Technology formerly located in Lagos was therefore established as one of such other similar institutions in Nigeria to provide training for medical auxiliaries.

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