Friday, June 19, 2015

Scholarship programme of Chevron, others boosts learning in varsities

NO fewer than 56 students who benefited from Chevron Company Limited and Agbami Co-venture scholarship programme have graduated from University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT), Rivers State. Three of the graduates were in the first class division while 46 earned with second-class upper degrees.

According to Chevron’s management, the scholarship is given yearly to higher institutions across the country to enhance the standard of education in Nigeria.
The scheme is open to all qualified students of medicine and engineering in universities.
It was learnt that the beneficiaries participated in assessment examinations, maintained a three-point zero (3.0) cut-off mark to remain in the scholarship programme.
One of the beneficiaries, who made the first class division, from Department of Gas Engineering, Fadoyeni Thomas, said the scheme assisted him a lot to make his academic dream a reality.
He noted that there were several intelligent youths across the country that did not have enough support from their parents and guardians for their education. He called on other corporate organisations to emulate the gesture and reach out to Nigerian youths.
He said: “ The scheme made us to work hard because you must maintain a score of 3.0 to remain in it; so everyone worked hard to avoid losing such opportunity and that really encouraged us.
“The yearly allowance we received from Chevron really supported us and my parents because it was not easy for them at all. There are a lot of intelligent people out there who do not have enough support from their parents and guardians to achieve their academic pursuits. We are grateful because of the immense impact the scheme has made in our lives.”
Speaking also, a parent of one of the beneficiaries and a lecturer in the Department of Fine Arts and Design, UNIPORT, Dr. Ovet Etajemue, commended the company for the gesture saying, it would go along way to impact on the economy of the country.
He said: “Nigeria is suffering today due to lack of required manpower but with the training of the beneficiaries, there is no doubt that we will have more manpower and experts in different sectors of the economy.”
While expressing hope that the gesture would also reduce youth restiveness, Efajemue urged Chevron to extend it to entrepreneurial development to help tackle the issue of unemployment in the country.
Agbami Medical and Engineering Professionals Scholarship Programme (AMEPS)
Education is key to unlocking the potential of the youth and developing their capability for societal relevance. This is one of the reasons the Agbami co-venturers are committed to supporting the provision of quality education in partnership with the Federal Government and other stakeholders. The focus of this initiative is to empower the youth for the challenges of the modern world.
The Agbami Medical and Engineering Professionals Scholarship Programme (AMEPS) is a merit-based scheme, which commenced in 2009 and is administered by Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited (an affiliate of Chevron Nigeria Limited) on behalf of its co-venturers (Famfa Oil Limited, Statoil Nigeria Limited, Petroleo Brasileiro Nigeria Limited and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation) in the Agbami field.
The AMEPS programme is aimed at supporting the development of critical manpower in science and technology.
According to a statement: “Agbami field is located approximately 70 nautical miles (113 kilometres) offshore Nigeria and in line with the Deep Offshore Community Affairs Group (DOCAG) engagement principles, we view the entire country as the Agbami community. Therefore, the AMEPS scholarship programme is open to candidates nationwide.”
The programme is available to undergraduate students in Nigerian universities in the under-listed fields of study: Medical Sciences (Medicine & Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Science & Nursing) or Engineering (All fields of Engineering)


The AMEP scholarship provides a fixed grant of N100, 000 or N200, 000 per annum (depending on the course of study) throughout the official years of each academic programme. A beneficiary must meet the following requirements to remain on the programme: Maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher, or score at least 60 per cent in their institution’s relevant annual grading system, must continue to study the course for which the scholarship was granted, and must submit an annual performance report duly endorsed by authorised person(s) in the beneficiary’s institution of study.
14, 367 AMEP scholarships have been awarded since 2009; awardees have graduated with First Class Honours in their undergraduate fields of study, including Korede Fiyinfolu Akinpelu who graduated from the University of Lagos as the best graduating student in the 2013-2014 session.
$31,876,202.53 has been paid as scholarship grants between 2009-2014.
We have a robust monitoring and evaluation process in place, which continually tracks awardees performance pre-graduation and post-graduation to ensure that the programme achieves its set objective of developing critical manpower for the country.
The Agbami field is currently the single largest oil-producing field in Deepwater West Africa. It is located 70 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria and has a production capacity of 250,000 barrels of oil per day.

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